Welcome Webhook Documentation

Using a webhook to automate registrations with an external form


This support guide will help you understand how to use a webhook to automate registrations for your webinars on Welcome. By integrating our webhook with your external form, you can streamline the registration process and maintain full control of the end-to-end-flow.

Why Use a Webhook for Registrations?

Using a webhook for registrations can be beneficial in the following situations:

  • You want to register users from your website, CRM, or other platforms to a Welcome event automatically
  • You're looking to integrate Welcome with third-party tools or custom applications to simplify the registration process
  • You want to capture user information from various sources and register them for webinars without manual intervention

When the webhook is set up and integrated with your application or platform, it will:

  • Automatically send registration data to the Welcome platform
  • Register users for the specified event with the provided information
  • Optionally send a confirmation email to the user on your behalf

Here is an example of using the webhook with a Webflow form:

Here is an example of using the webhook with a Hubspot form:

Setting Up the Webhook

To set up the webhook, you'll first need to retrieve the webhook URL containing a unique token for your organization from the integration settings in your organization dashboard. Remember not to share the URL publicly, as it contains sensitive information that is unique to your organization (don't worry, we rotated any that appeared in this documentation 🙂).


Request Parameters

The webhook supports the GET and POST HTTP methods.

The webhook accepts the following parameters, either via query string parameters or a JSON payload. All parameters are treated as strings unless otherwise noted.

Required Parameters

  • `event_id`: The event ID which can be retrieved from the event link in Welcome, e.g. "7XuQvR" in https://app.experiencewelcome.com/events/7XuQvR/stages/pQfRq7
  • `email`: User's email address to register
  • `first_name`: User's first name to register
  • `last_name`: User's last name to register

Optional Parameters

  • `company`: User's company to register
  • `company_role`: User's role at their company to register
  • `confirmed` (boolean): Whether to confirm the user's registration or not. Defaults to TRUE. Pass in FALSE in order to disable auto-confirming registration and sending confirmation email

Advanced Parameters

  • `custom_field_answers` (object): A JSON object where the keys are data keys from the Registration Form settings in the event dashboard, and the values are the values to assign to those keys in the registration. For example, for a checkbox field called "i_accept_the_tos", the custom_field_answers object would be { "i_accept_the_tos": true }

Response Handling

The webhook will respond with the following HTTP status codes:

  • `200`: Success
  • `400` or `422`: Payload is not structured correctly, with a specific error message

Integration Examples

Here are some examples of how to integrate the webhook with popular platforms:

Connecting a Webflow Form

Follow along with the steps below along with the steps below and/or this tutorial video:

  1. In your Webflow project, select the form you want to connect to Welcome.
  2. Go to the form settings and click on the "Action" field.
  3. Choose "POST" as the method and paste your webhook URL in the "Action" field.
  4. Map the form fields to the corresponding webhook parameters.
  5. Save and publish your changes. When submitting your published form, registration information should be sending directly to Welcome.

When fully configured, the form should behave like the following:

Connecting a Hubspot Form

We natively support Hubspot parameters for webhooks. If you are on Hubspot's Operations Hub Professional or Enterprise plan please see documentation for connecting Hubspot forms to Welcome here.

If you are not on Hubspot's Operations Hub Professional or Enterprise plan (and therefore do not have access to Webhooks directly from Hubspot), you will still be able to connect a Hubspot form by connecting to a Google Sheet first, and then following the steps below to connect with Zapier. Instructions for sending Hubspot form data to a Google Sheet can be found here.

For an end to end walkthrough, follow along with this tutorial video:

When fully configured, the Hubspot form should behave like the following:

Connecting a Google Sheet with Zapier

For an end to end walkthrough, follow along with the steps below and/or this tutorial video:

  1. Create a new Zap in your Zapier account.
  2. Choose "Google Sheets" as the trigger app and select the "New Spreadsheet Row" trigger event.
  3. Connect your Google account and select the spreadsheet and worksheet containing the registration data.
  4. Choose "Webhooks by Zapier" as the action app and select the "POST" action event.
  5. In the "Set up action" step, paste your webhook URL in the "URL" field.
  6. Set the payload type to "JSON" and map the Google Sheet columns to the corresponding webhook parameters.
  7. Test your Zap and enable it.


If you encounter any issues while integrating the webhook with the Welcome platform, please refer to the specific error message returned in the `400` or `422` response for guidance, or reach out to support@experiencewelcome.com with any questions.

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