I Hear Audio Echoing

Generally, if you are hearing echo, it means that there is a device that is channeling your audio back. This can be very distracting for your audience and finding a quick solution will help your event be successful. If you hear an audio echo or audio feedback through your speakers, there are a few possible causes and solutions:

  • A user has speakers loud enough for the microphone to capture the sound.
  • Ask the user to turn their audio down or wear headphones.
  • A user's speakers are too close to the microphone.
  • Ask the user to move their speakers or turn the audio down. Swapping to headphones is also an option.
  • A user's echo cancellation is failing (can be device or computer performance issues).
  • Ask the user to confirm their settings are correct. This fix could require a device restart.
  • A user has a poor-quality microphone.
  • Ask the user to use a different audio source.
  • Someone has multiple instances of the event open.
  • Ask the user to close out one of the instances or lower the volume.
  • Someone is not using headphones in a small space.
  • Ask the user to use headphones or lower their volume.
  • Multiple people in the event and also in the same location.
  • Ask the users to wear headphones, lower the volume, or share a device for the event.
  • Background noise from a speaker's environment.
  • Ask the user to mute when they are not speaking.

To troubleshoot this, a producer can mute active mics to find the source of the echo. Once identified, you will need to connect with the user via chat (GR or DMs is your best bet) and ask them to resolve on their end. One of the quickest fixes (and easiest ways to avoid this issue in the first place) is to ask your speakers to use headphones for the event. Please note that if your speakers switch to headphones mid-event, they may need to adjust their A/V settings and/or refresh the page; it's best to troubleshoot these issues in the Green Room whenever possible.

Still need help?

If none of the solutions work above and you're still experiencing issues, feel free to contact support@experiencewelcome.com

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