Troubleshooting Common Speaker Issues

Ensuring that your event goes smoothly requires your speakers to have no issues. Below we have listed some common issues that a speaker might run into:

  • Registration or log-in issues.
  • Speaker can't join the Green Room and/or lounges/breakouts.
  • Speaker can't hear anyone in the Green Room. Other people can't hear the speaker in the Green Room.
  • Speaker is having internet issues (audio is lagging, video is cutting in and out).
  • Speaker is seeing a blank screen despite there being a presentation going on.
  • Speaker keeps getting “kicked out”.
  • Speaker’s audio is giving a lot of feedback.
  • Speaker can’t screen share.
  • When screen sharing, the speaker’s presentation takes up the whole screen, and can’t see Welcome.
  • Speaker's screen share is pixelated.

Registration or login issues

  • VPNs, firewalls, adblocking extensions, or other security can sometimes block Welcome. If it's a VPN or firewall issue please ask your speaker to resolve it on their side (turning it off, switching computers, etc.).
  • Welcome Support can also toggle on something on our end to mitigate these issues. Please contact if you are not able to resolve these issues by deactivating security software/programs.
  • If your speakers are having trouble logging you in you can send them a "one-click registration" email from the Event Dashboard. Just make sure they check their spam/junk folders for the email, or copy the link from the dashboard and send it to them. From there they will just need to fill out a few details and they can enter the event right after.
  • Video tutorial below:

Speaker can't join the Green Room and/or lounges/breakouts

  • Microphone/camera permissions issue within the browser (most common). On Macs, there are also system-level permissions that can also cause issues in some cases.
  • A conflict with the microphone/camera being used by another program (Zoom, Skype, Hangouts, etc).
  • The best practice is to make sure to turn these off. If you're not sure what else is accessing your microphone/camera, give your computer a restart.

Speaker can't hear anyone in the Green Room. Other people can't hear the speaker in the Green Room

  • Have them unmute the Green Room and mainstage. Please also have them confirm their Green Room audio is not muted.
  • Have them check AV settings by clicking on the A/V Gear icon in the Green Room. From here, they should be able to swap between different microphone options.
  • Have them close any browsers or applications (i.e. Zoom) that could be using their mic and/or camera.
  • Have them try logging in using an incognito/private window.
  • Check computer sound settings:
  • For Mac devices:
  • Go to System Preferences
  • Choose Sound
  • Select the output and input they would like to use
  • Have them refresh their browser and log back into Welcome
  • For PC devices:
  • Go to Settings
  • Choose Sound
  • Select the output and input they would like to use
  • Have them refresh their browser and log back into Welcome
  • If none of the above works try a hard computer restart.

Speaker is having internet issues (audio is lagging, video is cutting in and out, etc.)

  • Hopefully, you've confirmed that the speaker has a decent internet connection before they join. We recommend having speakers run through our Compatability Checker prior to the event.
  • Some solutions to fix connection issues:
  • Restart computer
  • Restart router
  • After the above there isn't a ton you can do from your side. You can ask them to maybe conserve as much local bandwidth (have other people on the same wifi log off, close uneccessary tabs/programs, etc.) as possible until their presentation is over.
  • Producers also can instruct people in the Green Room to turn off video to conserve bandwidth.

Speaker is seeing a blank screen despite there being a presentation going on

  • This is almost always related to device security or a connection issue. For device security, please ask your speaker to deactivate from the security service. For internet issues, please follow the steps in the above section.

Speaker keeps getting “kicked out”

  • This usually means the person has another window or tab with Welcome open. Have them close everything except the one instance of Welcome they are in. Please also make sure that your speaker does not share their account details or one-click link with anyone else.

Speaker’s audio is giving a lot of feedback

  • Mute everyone in the Green Room except the speaker to see if it continues. If it does, it's something causing feedback on the speaker's end (poor connection of mic, dying bluetooth headset, etc.). If it doesn’t it's someone else in the Green Room, make sure no one happens to have another computer with the Welcome event running in the background where the noise might bleed in.
  • Ask the speaker to use headphones or lower the volume of their speakers.

Speaker can’t screenshare

  • Most screen sharing issues happen when a speaker is using Firefox or Edge. We recommend that anyone screen sharing uses Chrome.
  • If on a Mac, you will need to check privacy/security settings to allow screen recording for Chrome.
  • Go to System Preferences >Security & Privacy > Scroll down to Screen Recording > Check box for Google Chrome.

When screen sharing, the speaker’s presentation takes up the whole screen and can’t see Welcome

  • For the best experience screen sharing on Welcome, we recommend that speakers use a second monitor so they can see both their slides on one screen and the Welcome Platform on the other. If they are using PowerPoint, be sure they use slide show mode so that the Welcome screen shares their entire presentation from their second monitor. If they are using Keynote with a second monitor, they can avoid the presenter view by playing their slideshow using the "Play Slideshow in Window" setting in the Play tab.

Speaker's screen sharing is pixelated

  • The producer might need to “kick the screen share” out of the Green Room and have the speaker re-share it.
  • Have them close all browsers and restart their computer.

Still need help?

If none of the solutions work above and you're still experiencing issues, feel free to contact or click Help at the bottom right corner of the screen.

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