CSV Uploads and Downloads ( Attendees / Speakers )

Uploading and downloading CSV files is a great way to collect bulk amounts of data about your attendees and speakers.

Uploading CSV

1. Make sure to format the CSV exactly how our template shows (attached at the bottom of this article and also within the Welcome platform. Columns in the wrong place will cause errors.


2. Email, first name, and last name are required fields. You can leave the other sections blank.

3. Please note the character limits for each column.

  • Email: none
  • First Name: none
  • Last Name: none
  • Role: 100 character maximum (Be careful here as this part is often too long)
  • Company: 100 character maximum (Be careful here as this part is often too long)
  • Tagline: 70 character maximum
  • Profile Photo: none

4. Please note that we only accept 2000 rows (people) to be uploaded at a time. If you have more than 2000 rows you will need to break up the CSV and upload them separately.

5. Please note that we have a 100-user limit for Speaker uploads.

6. If there are duplicates in the CSV they will be skipped over. In other words, they will only show up once.

7. Uploading a CSV will not override what is already in the list. In other words, uploading a CSV will not delete anyone from the list who is already there.

8. Names and special characters will work, though they will be edited/formatted automatically and hence may be off. You can edit these entries manually in the dashboard if need be.

  • Examples:
  • Auður will display as Au_ur
  • Flóki will display as Fl-ki
  • Kristján will display as Kristj-n
  • Sólúlfur will display as S--loelfur

8. Uploading large CSVs take time. Give it about 5 minutes and then refresh.

Downloading CSV

You are also able to download a CSV of the users that you have in your people list by clicking the download cloud button all the way to the right. You are able to download up to 25k entries.

download csv.png

It will contain these columns:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Role
  • Company
  • Confirmed?
  • Attended?
  • Registered At
  • One-Click Registration Link

Still need help?

If none of the solutions work above and you're still experiencing issues, feel free to contact support@experiencewelcome.com or click Help at the bottom right corner of the screen.

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