Add Embedded Web Pages to your Virtual Event or Webinar

With Welcome, you can embed up to TWO (2) web pages as custom tabs within the live event as long as the page can be I-framed (inline framed). To embed these pages as tabs, navigate to the “Event Details” page and scroll down to the Event Customization section. 

Within this section, you will see fields for “Primary Info Page URL” and “Primary Info Display Name” along with “Secondary Info Page URL” and “Secondary Info Display Name.” 

Simply paste in a URL you would like to embed and update the corresponding display name. 

Be sure to hit “SAVE”.

In the example above, we are pasting in Welcome’s home page and labeling the display name “Learn More”. This will be displayed as a tab live in the event. We are leaving the second page blank.

You can see there is now a “Learn More” tab live within the event. 

Note that custom page embeds will NOT cause your attendees to navigate to a different url and out of the event.

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