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What is a Webinarer?

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Event Marketing

What is a Webinarer?

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What is a Webinarer (webinar-er)?

A webinarer, or webinar-er, is a person who runs webinars. They may often have the title of event marketer, partnership marketer, product marketer, community marketer, or field marketer. 

But what is it that the webinarer is responsible for? What are the webinarers goals? As the saying goes… “it depends.” So let’s break down the key workstreams associated with hosting a webinar and goals associated with being a webinarer. 

Why do organizations host webinars? What are the webinarers goals?

Depending on the person's title, they may have different use cases or goals for running a webinar. Maybe it is the webinarer’s goal to onboard a large number of customers at once; maybe it’s the webinarer’s goal to share and highlight product updates; maybe it’s purely to generate content and nothing else. Whatever the role, there are typically three key metrics/goals associated with each webinar that the webinarer is responsible for. 

Registration Numbers

  1. Registration numbers signals to the webinarer that their topic is resonating with your audience.
  2. Even if your registrants don’t attend, the webinar is capturing their email to nurture them in the future, which is always a benefit of webinars.

Attendance Numbers

  1. A stronger signal to the webinarer that the topic or agenda is attractive to the target audience compared to registration numbers
  2. Provides a list of prospects with high intent for your sales team to follow up with 

Demo Requests/Sales Meetings Post Webinar

  1. The ultimate goal for a webinar is pipeline
  2. Demo requests and meetings booked post-webinar are a clear leading indicator of pipeline generated as a result of hosting a webinar.

In addition to the above, there may be other goals associated with hosting a webinar program or webinar series that the webinarer is responsible for, such as audience engagement, pieces of content generated post-webinar, or brand awareness.

Pre-Webinar - What are the jobs to be done by a webinarer?

Align with the marketing team with the program goals

  1. Webinar topic selection
  2. Target audience
  3. Schedule the webinar
  4. Run of show
  5. Webinar speaker coordination

Promotion planning 

  1. Social media
  2. Email marketing
  3. Paid SEO
  4. Paid Ads
  5. Webinar Marketing Partnerships
  6. Influencer Marketing

Content creation with the creative team

  1. Assets for the webinar
  2. Assets for the promotion plans
  3. Assets for registration page

Technical setup

  1. Create registration page
  2. Create webinar in webinar software or webinar platform
  3. Load assets into the webinar platform
  4. Testing webinar platform

Dry-run of the webinar with involved parties

It is imperative that the webinarer executes dry-runs with involved parties. This will catch any last minute hiccups that may occur during the live webinar experience.

During Webinar- Jobs to be done by webinarer

  1. Hosting the webinar
  2. Engaging with the audience live during the webinar
  3. Moderating chat and Q&A
  4. Live coordination with panelists and speakers
  5. Delivering content throughout the webinar

Post Webinar- Jobs to be done by webinar

  1. Attendee follow up
  2. Registrant follow up for those that did not attend the webinar
  3. Collect feedback on the webinar
  4. Analyze results of the webinar (see goals above)
  5. Create content from the webinar- short form video, quotes, screenshots, etc
  6. Deliver leads from the webinar to the sales team

Webinarer Wrap-Up

he role of someone who runs a webinar program , a webinarer, is essential for the success of the program. Webinarers must be skilled in program management, content creation, technical support, and hosting to ensure that the webinar runs smoothly and achieves its goals. By understanding the roles, responsibilities, and goals of a webinar program and webinarer, businesses can create effective webinars that engage their audiences and generate leads.

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