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Are Webinars Dead? Exploring the Benefits of Webinars in 2023

Jerry Shen
min read
Event Marketing

Are Webinars Dead? Exploring the Benefits of Webinars in 2023

Jerry Shen
min read

Are Webinars Dead? Exploring the Benefits of Webinars in 2023


Webinars have been a popular form of digital marketing since the dawn of the internet. But with the rise of new technologies, some people are questioning their effectiveness. However, the reality is that webinars are more relevant than ever before. With the ability to attract a global audience and provide interactive and engaging content, webinars offer a unique opportunity to generate leads and promote your company. In this article, we will explore the current state of webinars, the benefits they offer, and the best practices for hosting a successful one. Whether you're a startup or an established business, webinars can be a powerful tool for building your brand and reaching your target audience.

In this blog post, we will delve into the world of webinars and explore whether they are still relevant today. We will also discuss their benefits, the reasons why people watch them, and how to use them to promote your product. We will also discuss best practices for hosting a successful webinar.

Are webinars still effective?

While some people may believe that webinars have lost their edge, the reality is that webinars are still a highly effective marketing tool. According to recent studies, 73% of marketers believe that webinars are the most effective way to generate high-quality leads. Additionally, 70% of marketers say that webinars are a critical part of their marketing strategies.

One reason for the continued success of webinars is their ability to attract a global audience. With the rise of remote work and digital events, they have become an essential way to connect with customers and prospects regardless of their location. Additionally, webinars offer interactive and engaging content, making them an effective way to educate your audience about your products or services.

In 2023, webinars are expected to remain a critical component of successful digital marketing strategies. As more businesses embrace remote work and virtual events, webinars will continue to provide an effective way to reach customers and prospects and generate high-quality leads.

The benefits of webinars

Webinars offer a wide range of benefits for businesses of all sizes.

Lead generation: Webinars are an effective way to generate high-quality leads. By providing valuable content and engaging your audience, you can attract potential customers and nurture them into becoming loyal customers.

Brand awareness: Hosting a webinar can help to increase your brand's visibility and awareness. By providing valuable content and establishing thought leadership, you can build trust and credibility with your target audience.

Content marketing: Webinars offer an effective way to deliver valuable content to your target audience. With the ability to provide in-depth knowledge and insights, webinars can help you to establish thought leadership and differentiate your brand from competitors.

High buying signal: By signing up for a webinar, a viewer is indicating a high level of interest in your products or services. This high buying signal makes it easier for your sales team to follow up with potential customers and close deals.

Why do people watch webinars?

With the rise of remote work and the continued impact of the pandemic, many B2B buyers have shifted their attention to online events, including webinars, as a way to learn about new products and services.

In the past, in-person events like trade shows and conferences were a primary way for businesses to showcase their offerings and connect with potential customers. However, as the trend towards remote work continues, webinars have become a popular alternative to these events.

Webinars offer several advantages over traditional in-person events, particularly in terms of convenience and accessibility. With webinars, participants can join from anywhere with an internet connection, making it easier for busy professionals to fit them into their schedules. Additionally, webinars are often available on-demand after they are initially broadcast, allowing viewers to watch them at their own pace and on their own schedule.

For businesses, webinars can be an effective way to generate leads and build brand awareness, particularly in industries where product demos or educational content are valued. They can also be a cost-effective marketing tool, as they require less investment in travel and other logistical expenses than in-person events.

Overall, webinars offer a way for businesses to connect with potential customers in real-time, while also providing the flexibility and accessibility that is increasingly important in a remote work environment.

Types of Webinars and Use Cases

Webinars come in a variety of formats, each with its own benefits and use cases. Understanding the different types of webinars can help businesses choose the right format to meet their goals.

Live webinars are the most traditional type of webinar and take place in real-time. These webinars provide an opportunity for attendees to interact with the presenter and ask questions in real-time.

On-demand webinars, as the name suggests, are pre-recorded and available for viewing at any time. These webinars can be an effective way to reach a wider audience, as they offer flexibility and convenience for attendees.

Simulive webinars combine elements of both live and on-demand webinars. They are pre-recorded but also offer live elements, such as a live Q&A or chat session, to provide an interactive experience for attendees. This format can be a good option for businesses that want to provide an engaging experience for attendees without the added pressure of a live event.

Different types of webinars can be used for various purposes, including:

  • Product demos: Live webinars are an effective format for showcasing a product or service to potential customers. By providing a real-time demo and answering questions, businesses can help attendees understand the value of their product and generate leads.
  • Education and training: On-demand webinars can be an effective way to provide education and training to customers or employees. This format allows attendees to watch and learn at their own pace, making it convenient and accessible for all.
  • Thought leadership: Live webinars featuring expert speakers or panel discussions can be an effective way to establish thought leadership and engage with potential customers. These webinars can help position a business as a leader in their industry and generate leads.
  • Masterclasses: Simulive webinars can be an effective format for providing masterclasses, which are longer and more in-depth educational sessions. This format allows businesses to provide an interactive and engaging experience while also accommodating busy schedules.

By understanding the different types of webinars and their various use cases, businesses can choose the right format to achieve their goals and engage with their target audience effectively.

Webinar Format and Best Practices

When it comes to the format of your webinar, it's important to think beyond just the content and focus on creating an engaging experience for attendees. Note that some of these things are easiest to execute depending on the functionality of the platform. With that in mind, here are some best practices:

  1. Make it look like a TV show: Instead of just using a PowerPoint presentation, consider making your webinar look more like a TV show. This can include using high-quality video and graphics, bringing in guest speakers, and incorporating multiple camera angles.
  2. Use breakout rooms: Breakout rooms can be a great way to make your webinar more interactive and engaging for attendees. By breaking attendees up into smaller groups, you can provide a more personalized experience and encourage more participation.
  3. Incorporate polls and Q&A: Polls and Q&A sessions can help you get feedback from attendees and keep them engaged throughout the webinar. By asking for feedback and answering questions in real-time, you can create a more interactive and engaging experience.
  4. Keep it concise: While it can be tempting to pack as much information as possible into your webinar, it's important to keep in mind that attendees are likely to have short attention spans. Keep your webinar concise and focused on your main message to avoid overwhelming your audience.
  5. Follow-up with attendees: Follow-up is key to maintaining engagement with attendees after the webinar has ended. Be sure to send a thank you email and provide additional resources or content that may be of interest to attendees. This can help establish a relationship and keep attendees engaged with your brand.

By following these best practices, you can create an engaging and effective webinar experience.

Webinar Marketing and Promotion

To ensure the success of a webinar, it's important to have a solid marketing and promotion strategy in place. Social media can be a powerful tool for promoting webinars, as it allows businesses to reach a wide audience and target specific demographics. For B2B marketing, LinkedIn can be particularly effective, as they offer a range of targeting options based on job title, company size, and other factors.

In addition to social media, consider partnering with other companies to co-market and co-produce your webinars. Welcome uses this strategy to punch above our weight class. After the webinar, follow up is key. This can involve sending additional resources, offering special promotions or discounts, or simply sending a thank you note. Encouraging them to sign up for the next webinar doesn’t hurt either.


Despite some claims that webinars are no longer effective, the evidence suggests that they remain a valuable tool for businesses to connect with potential customers, generate leads, and establish thought leadership. With the right approach to marketing and promotion, businesses can create high-quality, engaging webinars that offer real value to their target audience.

Looking ahead to the future, webinars are likely to continue to evolve and offer new possibilities for businesses to connect with customers in real-time. By staying up-to-date on emerging trends and investing in high-quality content, businesses can ensure that their webinars remain a powerful tool in their digital marketing arsenal.

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